On February 1, at 11:58 AM PST: In The Key is Going Slow and Steady, the question starting with "Does it live in water" was changed.
On February 1, at 02:13 PM PST: In Cross Eyed, zooming the screen below 100% may cause grid lines to disappear. This is not intentional, and doesn't affect solvability.
On February 1, at 04:38 PM PST: In The Key is Going Slow and Steady, the question asking if it was afraid of cucumbers was replaced.
On February 1, at 10:41 PM PST: In The Key is Going Slow and Steady, the question asking about head rotation was clarified.
On February 3, at 10:31 AM PST: In A to Zecora, in the 2nd to last equation using phosphatase, an H in the given product was changed to an OH.
My Little Pony: Puzzles are Magic started on February 1, 2020, at 10 AM PST. Answer submission closed on February 9, 2020, at 10 PM PST.
We've added a Hints section to the Rules document.
We've had some trouble with our email setup, and not all emails are making it through. Please make sure to mark emails from puzzlesaremagic@gmail.com as Not Spam. Announcements will also be included in the Updates here.
We've released the start of the story.
Hints were released on February 2, 2020, at 7:15 PM PST. As stated in the rules, these are self-revealable hints, and there is no scoring penalty for using them. If you've read the provided hints and need more help, you may email us at puzzlesaremagic@gmail.com, but we cannot promise a fast reply. Please include your team name and the puzzle you want hints on in your email.
If your team has not solved the first metapuzzle (Equestrian Tour), and would like to see some puzzles from Round 2, please email puzzlesaremagic@gmail.com with your team name, along with some notes on what puzzle types you like, and we'll see what we can do.
The hunt has concluded, and we've added a link to our post-hunt wrap-up.